Student Government Association
Randolph Community College's Student Government Association (SGA) is responsible for planning student activities and addressing student governance issues. All curriculum students of the College are eligible to participate in the SGA.
Our SGA provides leadership development, a way to engage with other students, and become an integral part of our campus community!

President: Lera Foust
Vice President: Marquesha "Quesha" Whitaker
Secretary/Treasurer: Zachary Taylor
Public Information: Cindy Booth
Parliamentarian: Robert "Griffin: Ginther
SGA elections are held in both the fall and spring semesters. Elections in the fall will be held by the third week of classes and elections in the spring semester will be held during April!
SGA positions include five executive officers, and ten delegates. Officer position include President, Vice president, Secretary/Treasurer, Parliamentarian, and Public Information Officer (PIO). SGA Delegates and officers are responsible for bringing awareness and taking action on student issues.
If you are interested in joining SGA or attending a meeting, please contact us! We will be more than happy to let you know when and where our meetings are held!
Currently, SGA meetings are held weekly on Fridays at 12 noon, unless otherwise stated. Be sure to check your RCC student email for more details about meetings and other student activities!
The Student Government Association formulates an annual budget from student activity fees. These fees are used to broaden your student experience.
Activities include Fall and Spring Fling, musical concerts, a writing contest, movie nights, and holiday activities among many other events!
Randolph Community College supports student participation in clubs and organizations.
Groups wishing to form a club should:
1. Meet with the SGA Advisor/Director of Student Life & Recruitment about the proposed club
2. Identify a faculty/staff member who will agree to be the advisor for the proposed club.
3. Complete all requirements of the new club application form. This form is to be submitted to the Director of Student Life & Recruitment for review by both the Vice President for Student Services and the Director of Student Life & Recruitment. The application can be found here: http://bit.ly/RCCNewClubApp
4. Once the completed application has been submitted, a meeting will be conducted between the Director of Student Life & Recruitment, the faculty/staff advisor, and the applicant
5. Present the proposed club to SGA for approval.
- All clubs must have an advisor who is an RCC employee willing to supervise and participate in club activities.
- Clubs may not enter into contracts for goods and services without the expressed permission of the club advisor and vice president for student services.
- Organizations must maintain their financial account with the College business office. Accounts may not be maintained with external banks (N.C. G.S. 115D-58). Organizations must conduct all fundraising activities in accordance with the College fundraising policy (IV-D - Internal, External and Non-College Related Fundraising Policy).
- Clubs that do not hold formal meetings at least once per semester may be terminated by the vice president for student services.
Such clubs will then be required to request reorganization to begin holding meetings. - Any club that allows illegal or otherwise improper activities or behaviors will be terminated by the vice president for student services. Such clubs will then be required to request reorganization to begin holding meetings.
- Any club that allows illegal or otherwise improper activities or behaviors will be terminated by the vice president for student services. Consequently, a request for reorganization would be required.
- Club activities, to include but not limited to cookouts and forums, must be sanctioned by the Student Government Association and be approved by the specific club advisor and the vice president for student services.
- All major activities will require that an outline of events, including a budget if appropriate, be submitted to the vice president for student services no later than one month prior to the event.
- Activities that include community participation may require a detailed synopsis and budget, and should be submitted to the vice president for student services no later than one month prior to the event.