Section VI - Employment Matters

VI E 8

Leave - Vacation

To state the College’s vacation leave policies and procedures

Staff and 40-Hour Option Faculty

The College genuinely desires that employees utilize their vacation leave in order to be productive employees. Employees are encouraged to plan their use of vacation leave to pursue activities that serve to provide relaxation and pleasure while distancing themselves from the demands of their workplace.

A probationary, permanent full-time staff member or 40-hour option faculty member who is in pay status for one-half (1/2) or more of the regularly scheduled workdays in any month shall earn vacation leave according to the chart below.

Length of Service

Hours Earned Monthly

Less than 5 years

  9.33 hours

5 years but < 10 years

11.33 hours

10 years but < 15 years

13.33 hours

15 years but < 20 years

15.33 hours

20 years or more

17.33 hours

Temporary full-time or part-time employees will not normally earn vacation leave.

Vacation leave may not be taken in periods of less than one-quarter hour increments. Leave balances will be reported on the monthly payroll check stub. Leave forms should be submitted immediately after going through the approval process to the Business Office. All requests for vacation leave should have prior approval from the immediate supervisor. Special requirements for faculty vacation leave are detailed later in this policy.

Vacation leave shall not be cumulative for more than 240 hours for full-time staff and 40-hour option faculty, and a pro rata amount for staff of less than 40 hours per week. Accumulated vacation leave in excess of these amounts will be converted to sick leave by the Business Office at the end of the fiscal year. Note that this conversion will only be made once per year. Thus, an employee who retires or otherwise ends his or her employment with the College during the year and has accumulated more than 240 hours of vacation leave would not have the excess leave converted to sick leave.

A vacation leave request exceeding two weeks in duration must have the approval of the appropriate Vice President or President. When vacation leave extends from one month to the next, a separate form should be used for time taken in each month. Normally, vacation leave is not permitted to transfer in with a new employee; however, due to extenuating circumstances, requests will be evaluated on an individual basis.


Faculty members are expected to fulfill their responsibilities for all scheduled classes, office, and campus hours. Vacation leave is limited to preapproved time when class is not in session. Extenuating circumstances require the pre-approval of all supervisory personnel in the requesting faculty’s chain of command through the Vice President for Instructional Services. If a faculty member is granted vacation leave over a period when classes are scheduled, the faculty member shall provide a written plan outlining how classes will be continued during the vacation leave. A copy of the plan should be submitted to the Associate Dean and the Dean of Curriculum Programs at least one week in advance of the vacation leave.

30-hour option faculty do not earn vacation leave effective July 1, 2009. Vacation leave accrued prior to July 1, 2009 should be preapproved and taken as outlined below. All vacation leave must be pre-approved. However, 30-hour option faculty will have designated time off when classes are not in session according to the RCC curriculum calendar. Leave taken for 30-hour faculty is scaled according to a 40-hour work week. Every hour taken equates to 1.33 hours of leave.

  • 30-hour option faculty use the following formula for leave: Hours absent x 1.33 = hours charged (round to the nearest quarter hour)
    • Examples:
      • 1 hour absent x 1.33 = 1.33 hours = 1.25 hours charged
      • 2 hours absent x 1.33 = 2.66 hours = 2.75 hours charged
        • Note: Rounding occurs at the end of calculation.
        • A full week of leave is 40 hours. All full-time faculty are considered 40-hour employees, even if they are only on campus 30 hours per week. 
  • 40-hour option faculty will take leave hour-for-hour. All vacation leave must be pre-approved.
    • A full week of leave is 40 hours.
Effective July 1, 2009, faculty new hires will no longer earn vacation leave and all faculty from this date forward will be 30-hour option faculty.


Adopted: 04/15/1999

Revised: 10/19/2000, 04/19/2001, 07/19/2001, 04/18/2002, 01/16/2003, 05/21/2009, 03/17/2011 (effective 04/01/2011), 09/17/2015)