Section V - Educational Support Services

V A 3 

Library - Equipment Replacement

To state the policy regarding the systematic upgrading of the library’s technology resources

Statement of Need

The library provides a variety of information technology resources for RCC’s students, faculty, staff, and community patrons to fulfill its mission and the mission of the institution. All users must adhere to the rules of the library as well as to the College’s Acceptable Use Policy. Use of these resources is a privilege, not a right. Responsible, ethical behavior is required.

Because technology is rapidly changing, it is necessary that the library keep abreast of these changes and provide for the future needs of its patrons. This policy provides a systematic plan to address those needs within the framework of the Library Services Technology Plan.

Replacement Cycle

Recognizing that the upgrading of technology resources is essential to fulfilling its mission, the library staff will formally evaluate the library equipment as an integral part of budget planning for the upcoming fiscal year, making recommendations as needed. Informal evaluations will be conducted as necessary.

Replacement of computer and technology resources for Library Services will be included in the overall college technology plan to ensure up-to-date resources for all patrons.


Adopted 08/08/2006

Revised 03/17/2022