Randolph Community College announces 2024 Summer Semester academic standing lists

Randolph Community College is proud to announce the recipients of the President’s List, Dean’s List, and Academic Merit List for the 2024 Summer Semester.
“I am delighted to recognize and celebrate the exceptional achievements of our students who have demonstrated outstanding academic excellence during the 2024 Summer Semester,” RCC President/CEO Dr. Shah Ardalan said. “The President's List, Dean's List, and Academic Merit Lists are testaments to their hard work, dedication, and perseverance. At Randolph Community College, our faculty and staff are committed to students and their academic success. Congratulations to all the honorees — you have made us RCC proud.”
Curriculum students enrolled in 12 credit hours for the semester excluding college preparatory hours and proficiency hours who receive no incompletes and have a cumulative GPA (Grade Point Average) of at least 2.0 are eligible to be recognized on the following lists:
- President’s List — GPA of 4.00
- Dean’s List — GPA of 3.50-3.99
Curriculum students enrolled in at least six but less than 12 credit hours for the semester excluding college preparatory hours and proficiency hours who receive no incompletes and have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 and earn a grade point average of 3.50 – 4.00 are eligible to be recognized on the Academic Merit List.
Congratulations to these students.
Randolph Community College (RCC), under the leadership of President/CEO Dr. Shah Ardalan, is committed to providing relevant career training and educational opportunities. Affordable degrees and short-term certificate programs start throughout the year, both in person and online. For more information, call 336-633-0200 or visit www.randolph.edu and expect to engage with the most competent and compassionate team of faculty and staff.
(All cities are in N.C. unless otherwise indicated.)
Asheboro: Laura Gaskins.
Star: Margaret Walton.
(All cities are in N.C. unless otherwise indicated.)
Asheboro: Talia Jimenez, Holly Webster.
High Point: Jessica Juarez-Jimenez.
Ramseur: Ariel Ward.
(All cities are in N.C. unless otherwise indicated.)
Archdale: Deanna Cobb, Micah Cox, Asaundi Eason, Joselyn Garcia Bravo, Levi Johnson, Alicia Long, Laysha Ortega Perez, Paige Shores.
Asheboro: Jeanpaul Alcivar Guerrero, Kyasia Alston, Autumn Armstrong, Daphani Batten, Brandy Brigman, Hailey Brown, Courtney Burrow, Savannah Canham, Genesis Castro-Contreras, Lilyan Chappell, Hannah Charles, Tatiana Chavez, Lauren Chavis, Valeria Chevez Rodriguez, Malachi Clark, Julio Clemente Mata, James Coite, Ashley Cooper, Ryan Davis, Laigha Davis, Caroline De la Cruz, Jaydon Denamur, Adan Denova, Elizabeth Diaz, Muhammad Dilshad, Chloe Douglas, Elizabeth Duncan, Carley Everhart, Imaan Fatima, Brandy Fields, Shay Foy, Juan Frausto Garcia, Tiffany Freeman, Mallory Garner, David Gervacio Torres, Dylan Glover, Guadalupe Gonzalez, Akijionna Grandberry, Hayden Gunter, Christopher Hall, Heather Harris, Walid Hassan, Ashley Hedrick, Jayden Hernandez, Vivian Hosterman, Skye Hull, Ethan Humble, Abigail Ingold, Victoria Jennings, Cameron Kassebaum, Hamza Khan, Jason Kroeger, Christian Lopez, Sarah Lovett, Jake Lowe, Richard Macon, Makayla Maness, Blake Marsh, Raul Martinez, Christopher McDaniel, Sonya Medina, Noe Mercado-Vazquez, Christopher Morrison, Aaron Neal, Journey Nixon, Corbin Norris, Mindi Nunez, Shakty Oliver-Meza, Edgar Osorio Perez, Javier Paredes Ruiz, Courtney Paulino, Adam Ratcliffe, Lauryn Robbins, Ruben Robles, Diane Rodriguez Beltran, Gabriela Rodriguez Vazquez, Crystal Rogers, Brittany Rush, Angel Sanchez, Juliett Santos-Reyes, Makayla Siler, Kayla Spencer, Justin Spivey, Jilliann Stiltner, Petra Suarez Hernandez, Alexandria Tolar, Leah Waisner, Logan Wallace, Kayla Wallace, Trisha Williams, Morgan Williams, Wesley Wilson.
Biscoe: Makayla Britt.
Burlington: Kaelynne Ingle.
Candor: Jacob Wilson.
Carthage: Anna Gibbons.
Charlotte: Rhiannon Forrest, Chad Wilkerson.
Climax: Laney Davis, Lee Hardison, Taylor Waugh.
Davidson: Mary Millar.
Denton: Kendall Byars, Jamie Gurley, Caroline Harrison, Jacquelyn Hughes, Maxton Medeiros, Colleen Sims.
Franklinville: Gage Baynes, Corbin Britt, Maidelin Heckmann, Ydalia Reimonenq, Trisha Vaughan.
Greensboro: Isaiah Antis, Jeylin Cortes Reyes, Samantha Cromer, Ezekiel Duncan, Ireland Foley, Zachary Hayes, Aiden Leblanc, Hyumi Siu.
High Point: David Horton, Kristy Larabee, Sollyn Lindsay, Neil Rice.
Kernersville: Lorenzo Gomez.
Lexington: Brinia Presnell.
Liberty: Kevin Bautista Castro, Priscilla Bautista Chahuiz, Jayde Carrasquillo, Yvette Gomez Gomez, Adriana Martinez Pineda, Luis Morales, Jackson Perry, Natalie Robinson, Alyssa Russell, Makenzi Stapleton, Raven Steverson, Austin Williams.
Mocksville: Robert Ginther.
Mount Gilead: Donald Allen.
Pleasant Garden: Jayda Clodfelter, Kasey Gardner, Isabella Malpica, Cooper Wright
Raleigh: Keyona Jones.
Ramseur: Chelssy Borja, Abigail Holmes, Tyler May, William Moss, Alfredo Munoz, Matthew Needham, Jazmin Palma, Holly Steele, Melenny Vivas, Tracy Witsaman.
Randleman: Troy Blakley, Brooke Bolick, Abraham Caliz-Ramirez, Buffy Cooper, Nathan Hager, Amy Holland, Kailey Jolliff, Blake Leonard, Natali Lopez, Megan Newton, Emily Osborne, Melanie Reyes, Marcela Rodriguez, Marlene Shafer, Triston Smith, Taylor Stout, Keith Tischler, Dulce Vazquez, Krystal Williams, Emily Woods, Kristin Wyrick.
Robbins: Megan Kimball, Amy Pearman, Chloe Peralta.
Roseville: Gabriella Gonzalez.
Seagrove: Hong Nguyen, Kenly Rendleman, Kalob Sanders, Eva Sapper, Ethan Wallace.
Siler City: Carrie Horton, Ashley Murufo, Cassilyn Parnell.
Snow Camp: Kaitlyn Fain.
Sophia: Josinajenny Bringas, Stephania Gladden, Hannah Hinshaw, Addison Moody, Rebeckah Norris, Ginger Pulliam, Naomi Rhoads, Emily Robbins, Camden Scott, Havanna Wansley, Paige Wilson.
Spindale: Denise Morris.
Staley: Abraham Garcia Cruz, Rylie Heim, Amelia Lackey, Makyela Mantooth, Calie McDowell, Jasmine Moody.
Star: Megan Beane, Kaylee Wright.
Summerfield: Liam McMillen.
Thomasville: Heidi Edwards, Deanna Rhymer, Gabriele Samuelson, Edith Schroeder, Sierra Todd.
Trinity: Dominic Burns, Addison Causey, Whitley Davenport, Faith Davis, Daniel Dockery, Gabriel George, Lyndsaye Jones, Kaitlyn Miller, Lillian Somero, Cody Strader, Rowan Wagner.
Troy: Kourtlyn Atkins, Jennifer Hoyt.
Winston-Salem: James Finch.