Industry partners needed for new adult workforce program

Is your business looking to be on the cutting edge with higher-skilled workers? Is turnover hurting your bottom line? Randolph Community College is starting a new workforce initiative to train unemployed and underemployed adults.
Thomas Built Buses in Trinity currently has five adult apprentice students enrolled in RCC.
“RCC has, by far, been the easiest to deal with,” said Nicholas Johnson, Maintenance Supervisor for Thomas Built Buses. “Everybody’s very responsive. It’s an easy process.”
So why adult apprenticeship?
“Equipment has advanced, but people haven’t advanced with the technology,” Johnson said. “But if you bring them in and teach them how things are fixed with [on the job] training and couple that with sending them to school to understand why — they become so much better, whether they’re old or young. Anyone we’ve had that’s ever come through the apprenticeship program could blow the doors off anyone when, God forbid, they leave this company.”
The good news for Thomas Built? The apprentices that have completed the program have stayed with the company.
Employers can customize their training plan based on on-the-job training, related instruction at RCC, and a competitive wage. Students can learn at their own pace.
Through this partnership, industries can fill hard-to-fill positions quickly, ensure employees develop much-needed skills, lower the turnover rate, increase productivity and profitability, reduce search and recruitment costs; gain highly qualified, credentialed employees, and offset the costs for work-based learning.
To explore how RCC can help with employee training at your company or for more information, email