RCC holds virtual CCR graduation for 45 students

Director of College and Career Readiness Jordan Williamson opened the ceremony with a welcome and congratulations.
“We're so proud of you today,” she said. “Go celebrate. Thank those that have supported you along the way and celebrate with them as well. Over this last year, our students and our staff and our instructors have persevered through an incredibly difficult time and have shown resilience. I think that you graduating today is a testament to that.”
After Williamson, CCR staff and instructors congratulated the graduates on their accomplishments, including Lead Instructor for CCR Emma Lambirth, a 2013 graduate of the program, and CCR Student In-Take Specialist Dahlia Oldham, who graduated from the program in 2009.
“You are at the doorway, and you will go through the doorway to new opportunities and new challenges because learning is, indeed, for a lifetime,” said Abraham Encinas, Coordinator/Instructor of English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). “Now go out there and enjoy your learning, prosper, make history, and from the bottom of our hearts here in College and Career Readiness congratulations.”
Following the words and songs of encouragement from the CCR faculty and staff, two graduates spoke — Kayla Frost and Nahum Segovia Rosales, both High School Equivalency graduates.
“I want to thank Mr. [Tommy] Maness’ and Mrs. Sue [Griffith]’s class for all their hard work in helping me achieve my goal,” Segovia Rosales said. “I really can’t thank them enough. I want to thank my wife for everything. She supported me throughout this whole journey. It wasn't easy, but I was able to overcome this. I’m just happy to say that I did it, and I couldn’t have done it without great teachers at RCC. I want to thank the staff — they were very polite, very helpful, and very nice.”
Frost followed, encouraging her fellow graduates to shoot for the stars.
“From the time I was small, I have always allowed fear and doubt to control my life,” she said. “I am here today to tell you that you can do anything you put your mind to. There’s a lot of struggles. I have learned a few things about myself that I often doubted, finding strength from within and always pushing forward to become a greater person than I am today.
“I have had some amazing mentors through this process that has helped me grow. Finding love and becoming a mother, I want to be someone that not only makes their family proud, but also finds that within themselves. My teachers have inspired me and guided me along the way. For that, I am forever grateful.”
A slideshow of the graduates and the list of all of their names followed.
Vice President for Workforce Development and Continuing Education Elbert Lassiter then presented the graduates to RCC Board of Trustees Chair F. Mac Sherrill and RCC President Dr. Robert S. Shackleford Jr.
“I want to congratulate each and every one of you on this significant milestone that you've achieved,” he said. “Coming back to school to complete your degree is hard enough, however, you've done that with all the uncertainties that we've had in this particular year and all the challenges. But you persevered. I would encourage each and every one of you to please continue your education. Education is a lifelong initiative, and you've made the significant step of completing that first milestone.”
Shackleford closed the ceremony, saying the graduates inspire him and their determination reminds him of Abraham Lincoln, who lost his mother, his fiancée, his business, and several political races before becoming president.
“All of these weren’t periods in his life that ended things, they were commas,” Shackleford said. “And he got back up and brushed himself off and he kept going and going and going. That’s what you’ve done. All the things in your life that have led to this point tonight, you’ve decided to make them commas and not periods. You didn’t let obstacles stop you.
“I hope that even tonight will be a comma. I hope that you will get back up and keep going after this ceremony. Come on to RCC and be a college student now. We’re very proud of you. We want to be a part of your educational, journey as far as it takes you.”
The graduates, listed alphabetically by their cities of residence, follow:
High School Equivalency Graduates
Asheboro: Israel Aburto, Elisabeth Adams, Hannah Allred, Zachariah Bachman, Cameron Beane, Kenna Conner, Hannah Davidson, Maria del Carmen Dominguez, Vanessa Gutierrez, Kimberly Hayes, Maria Hernandez Santiago, Hector Jaimes, Breanna Ledwell, Hope Miller, Candace Page, J.T. Quigley, Michael Rhodes, William Smith, Miranda Thompson.
Denton: Kevin Kerney, Thomas Needham.
Greensboro: Brianna McCarty.
Julian: Alvaro Manuel-Munoz.
Liberty: Jacob Jordan.
Ramseur: Christopher Campbell, Amanda Jessup.
Randleman: Kayla Frost, Chloe Jessup, Nahum Segovia Rosales, Isela Valle.
Sophia: Hunter Walker.
Thomasville: Rebekah Miller.
Adult High School Diploma Graduates
Archdale: Connor Hill.
Asheboro: Ivy Auman, Zakary Butler, Charlotte Hammell, Dawson Hill.
Climax: Thomas Bohanon.
Denton: Amira Shrock.
High Point: Chandler Dehart.
Randleman: Jessica Castillo, Matthew Kennedy.
Sophia: Dylon Summerlin.
Thomasville: Rory Newell.
Trinity: Grace Howerton.