IT Academy Impact

Cisco Networking Academy

CISCO Networking Academy Logo

Randolph Community College has been a Cisco Networking Academy for more than 18 years and uses its golden standard of curriculum offerings as our backbone for introducing students to networking concepts but also for updating working professionals in the field who need to recertify or obtain more advanced certifications. Students in the Cisco Networking Academy will receive free course material and network simulation software to prepare students for the following certifications:

  • Cisco Certified Support Technician (CCST) Networking
  • Cisco Certified Support Technician (CCST) Cybersecurity
  • Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
  • Cisco Certified CyberOps Associate

Beginner courses involve discussing the network system concept and how computers communicate with each other on a network. Students will perform initial configurations on networking devices, such as routers and switches, as well as configure personal computers and servers for accessing resources on the network.

Intermediate and advanced courses involve configuring routers and switches for better efficiency and security as well as preparing these devices for several different types of data traffic traversing across the network.

Security courses will have students harden the network devices with significantly diverse methods of thwarting malware and potential threats from internal and external sources.


Free Self-Paced Courses

Through RCC and the Cisco Networking Academy, several self-paced courses are offered to the community. These include courses in Introduction to Networking, Cyber Security, Internet of Things (IoT), Computer Hardware, Operating System Concepts, Data Science/Analytics, Business Reporting, and effective Business Communications.